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Mouth Breathing

Mouth Breathing

There may be several reasons why the mouth breathing habit starts.  In young children enlarged adenoids can cause difficulties with breathing through their nose.  Chronic allergic rhinitis or nasal polys can cause nasal obstruction.  Colds and breathing difficulties can also induced mouth breathing.  Once the habit of mouth breathing starts it can be difficult to naturally restart nasal breathing even after surgery for example to clear and unblock nasal passages.


Mouth breathing also effects facial and dental health, head posture, and can lead to neck pain.  When we go into mouth breathing mode, our head moves more forward, the mouth open and the tongue on the floor of the mouth. This also changes the full-body posture, leading to a hunched over position, chest constriction and the lack of diaphragmatic breathing. 


Why is Nasal Breathing Important?

Women with forward neck posture

As well as warming and filtering the air, nasal breathing adds moisture to prevent dryness in the lungs and bronchial tubes.  The nose also produces nitric oxide which helps your body to transport oxygen, it relaxes the vascular smooth muscles and allows blood vessels to dilate.


Nitric oxide is also an anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-parasitic and antibacterial that helps to immune system to fight infections and allergies.  

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